Our mission: To reveal everyone’s talent and put it to work


Our mission is to create a world where people’s natural strengths and talents are accurately identified, deployed and utilized. We want to see dramatic changes in how we recruit, train, engage and reward people. Our means to achieve this is Method Teaming.

At OND, we are committed to the idea that every person possesses a unique set of natural talents. We are meant to discover these, as early as possible, and put them to work for a positive purpose. 

The array of natural strengths and talents seen in people is what we call our ‘Intellect’ and is the essence of our diversity. When compared to other forms of human diversity such as age, gender or ethnicity, we believe it is actually the most significant, yet the most under-rated, of all.

All of us need to work and collaborate with others, all the time. Method Teaming’s 3D Intellect scan is the most accurate description of a person’s ability available today. But Method Teaming’s other USP is that it can view natural ability in the context of how people work with others. That is why Method Teaming is so formidable and why it enables us to carry out our mission: not just to reveal natural talent, but to put it to work in the most advanced modern organizations to the benefit of the individual and everyone they work with.


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