OND 3D Talent Scan
A complete and unique strengths assessment service that helps develop valued employees and leaders.

The world isn’t flat and neither is talent. Talent is 3 dimensional: Cognitive, Behaviors, Motivators. Only a 3D talent scan that uncovers and integrates all these viewpoints can give a complete picture of you. Anything less is lightweight and misleading. The OND 3D talent scan is rooted in business, not academia and is deadly accurate. But it is also actionable and straightforward to apply. At an individual level it will help with personal development and career path. Applied to your business and it provides the bedrock for building high performing, winning teams right across your organization.
The OND 3D Talent Scan will:
Maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your greatest asset: your people
Inspire and enable your people to achieve more by playing to their strengths
Help you identify and develop the next generation of leaders
Develop employee pride, confidence and motivation
Improve employee engagement and retention
Personalize and improve employee experience and job satisfaction
Build high-performing, winning teams across your organization
Help you become the company to work for
Know yourself – Be known by others
The OND 3D Talent Scan is a 12-month program that allows you to check-in and get a reminder of your talents so you can put them to work to benefit yourself and others. We begin by looking at your natural strengths and talents from 3 angles. Remember, we are complex creatures. A person’s talent is 3D: cognition, motivations, and behaviors. The 3D Talent scan is complete and reveals the whole person. It will cast a light on your unique talents and also show how you like to collaborate within a team. It will clarify what you can offer others and what you need from them in turn. All this is wrapped up into a support package for you, the individual.
This service is designed for people who want to unlock more of their enormous talent potential. In order to become the best version of yourself, you need to know your strengths and talents in depth. Then, if you need an occasional refresh so you can develop those strengths, our practitioners are on hand. Our 3D Talent Scan Service is a unique solution that’s built around you. OND will help you fully discover and own your strengths and talents so as to understand how they can prosper you and fulfil you.
The OND 3D Talent Scan is unique in the market because it not only provides you with an accurate 3D strengths and talent review but also gives you a full 12 month support package and access to OND consultants to help with your development.
Discover your full potential
Talent is so often confused with skills, knowledge and experience. But it’s best described as those innate, born-with capabilities that everyone has inside them.
Talent is how you are hard-wired. It’s how you behave, are motivated and think about things. By contrast, skills are learnt. They are not unique to you. They don’t speak about you. Knowledge is gained over time. Your natural talents are more important to your success than any skills or knowledge. No-one else has your set of talents. When you develop yourself and your role upon your natural strengths and talents, it will lead you to the fulfilling, successful career that awaits you. That’s the power of talent.
Read our signature article on Talent vs Skill at www.methodteaming.com/talent-vs-skills-theres-a-clear-winner
See the whole picture
Most strengths and personality tests on the market provide only part of the picture. The vast majority focus on highlighting only behavior. The OND 3D Talent Scan provides a unique type of strengths assessment as a service. It gives insight into how people behave, what motivates them and, importantly, how people naturally like to think about things, such as planning for the future, fixing today’s problems or sensing the needs of people. Only OND take the results of 3 best-in-class psychometric tests and integrates the results to give a complete and accurate 3D view of a person’s Intellect; that’s their natural strengths and talents. Note that each of the three tests used by OND has a full validity report available on request.
Unlike other assessments, your people are not left alone to self-interpret the results report. As part of the service, they will be debriefed by a specialist and then have access to that specialist for 12 months to support them with further insight. As you might imagine, there is a toolkit provided as part of the program, including a user guide and a Smart Phone Pocket Guide App.
What’s included?
The OND Strengths Assessment Service provides so much more than just a profile report. The carefully constructed service provides a full set of deliverables:
OND’s unique 3D Talent scan. This has a better than 99% accuracy in describing your natural strengths and talents.
An easy-to-read map and profile of your natural strengths and talents. This is a cleverly designed single page dashboard, understood by anyone with a basic knowledge of Method Teaming (which we will give you).
A one-to-one debrief with a certified OND Method Teaming practitioner. This lasts around 60 minutes or so. It provides a very deep and thorough insight into the individual’s natural talents including unique and subtle nuances. There is opportunity to assess how your talents align with your job and/or objectives.
Short and easy to understand context video training covering Method Teaming basics. A copy of the slides used in the video can be made available for future reference. The video can be rerun at any time.
The Method Teaming Smart Phone Pocket Guide App is made available as a download. This gives insight into using and applying Method Teaming in your workplace for ‘Smart Collaboration’.
The ‘Key’, which is a brief reference document that enables you to navigate the world of strengths and talents. It will help to refresh your understanding of your own and other people’s profiles across the organization.
12 months support. You will have access to a Method Teaming specialist for 12 months after your 3D Talent profile debrief, to answer questions and give you a further overview of your profile.
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