What is the point of having a culture where everyone comes to work energised, team members work together like a swiss watch and the atmosphere is electric 25 hours a day – if it doesn’t impact business performance?

Obviously the answer is no point at all.

Fortunately there have been many studies into the net results of having a great work culture. Some of the benefits of a great culture are described in more depth in this paper. But enterprises with great cultures can be summarised as places that easily attract and retain the very best talent and enable that talent to perform to its full glorious potential.

That’s on top of the usual business-speak benefits such as higher value enterprise, higher share price, greater engagement and productivity, leap in quality, innovation and productivity.

Probably you know most of this already. You also know that upgrading your business culture isn’t as easy as hiring a firm of consultants and letting them loose in your office.

But what you didn’t know is that culture blossoms and grows all by itself when you build teams that work. Teams that work are teams and departments where everyone is doing the work their natural talent prepared them for. Teams that work don’t have friction issues. They don’t have management problems. Teams that work innovate naturally and allow the right person to bubble to the surface and lead at the right time. They are teams where everyone knows the natural strengths of everyone else on the team – what they can do really well. Not just what their job function is.

Knowing other people intimately like this is the key to a high performing team that everyone wants to be in. And when you have this, guess what, suddenly you have a great culture.

To improve company culture – and get everything that flows from it – focus on your teams.

To get growing with teams that work press your cultured cursor on the Contact Us button.

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