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Startling increases in innovation and business results are being seen in companies across the globe that have implemented Method Teaming®, a unique teaming science. Every company does its most important work in teams. Most teams are assembled intuitively and regularly under-perform their mission. Method Teaming® empowers organizations to build mission-perfect, innovative teams that are constantly tuned for each stage of business growth or change. These teams are dynamic, geared for success and report high levels of employee engagement. They also achieve more than ever before - results from users show Method Teaming® delivers over 30% growth in team productivity.WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY
"Using Method Teaming® we increased our productivity by 40% and went from a highly siloed, low trust, low value-perceived organization to #2 amongst telecom companies as ranked by Information Week. Method Teaming® taught us how to use the natural talent of our people, respect one another’s intellect and create powerful teams with a science and common language."Valerie Parrish-Porter,
CIO, Embarq Corporation