by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
How many of the people you hired deliver on the potential they showed at interview? Managers spend a lot of their time recruiting to fill vacancies in their teams. Yet they frequently complain that the highly accomplished people they hired never seem to fulfil their...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
I sat next to a HR consultant at a wedding reception last week, a charming, intelligent man in his 60s. I learnt about his challenges in dealing with CEOs and the tendencies of some of them to sack people for unforgivable errors, like sitting the wrong way at their...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
Stress costs the US economy $300 Billion every year in lost productivity, insurance claims, health costs, accidents and the need to replace workers according to the American Society of Stress. Stress is far worse than pressure. Pressure is when you are asked to do...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
Love productivity. Love efficiency. Love engagement. Love it when people are engrossed in their work. Love it when people come in early because they love what they do. Love it that employees are working in tune with colleagues and not going home in frustration to...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
There is now little doubt that empathy – the ability to understand and share another person’s experiences, emotions and feelings – is a vital talent in business. According to, ‘Empathy in business dealings, especially for the...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
First, for those who haven’t read around this site, a quick explanation of ‘talent alignment’. Our talents are abilities that are entirely natural, they lie within us. They are tied to our sense of purpose. Most of us have an urge to discover and put our talents to...