by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
I’m betting some senior managers would quietly prefer to wait till after a merger before embarking on a talent improvement program. After all, why invest in people who may not be with you any longer after the dust has settled? But that’s an unenlightened...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
If it does, it’s a great place to work. Employee recognition company Bonusly recently published a great article entitled 10 Dead Simple Ways to Improve Your Company Culture. I liked the article. A lot. But that’s probably because I noticed that...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
The booming US stock market is hiding a problem that everyone knows is there but no-one knows how to fix. Most Western business leaders are inadvertently stifling the natural talent in their teams and departments. The complaint that ‘I’m not valued’...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
Leave the other countries behind. Break out of the downward productivity spiral by focusing on people! Yet again the UK Government tries to solve the productivity issue by using the failed policies of the past: more money desperately thrown at technology and R&D....
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
Most people reading this don’t keep bees. But if you were asked how to attract bees to your neighborhood I bet most of you would instinctively know the answer: grow flowers. Yet in recruitment, although most companies are also trying to attract busy workers,...