by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
When you last created a strategy for a new product or service, did you have all four of these people on the team? First, someone who knows what the customer will buy and how much they will spend. If you don’t have this person on the team you could end up with...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
Confidence breeds success Jenny worked in a programming team in a German telecomms company. She was a natural networker with a proclivity to generate bold new ideas – but also to shoot them down. She had almost a savant’s ability to see flaws in any new...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
Brené Brown and the way to be enough. When you find out who you are, you find the courage to be YOU. Almost everyone I know tries to be perfect. The perfect salesman. The perfect web developer. The perfect manager. No-one wants the world to see that they have any...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
Will the Strategists in your company always be unrecognized? 8% of the world’s population are strategists. There are plenty of them working in your company right now, though nobody recognises them as such, not even them. If you could identify them – and...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
Can you spot the strategist in your company? “The real challenge in crafting strategy lies in detecting subtle discontinuities that may undermine a business in the future. And for that there is no technique, no program, just a sharp mind in touch with the...