by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
It’s not surprising you’re fed up of the turtle necks on the Executive Floor demanding more integrity, honesty and hard work. Do they think that’s culture? No wonder they’re not connecting with the workforce. So now it’s your turn....
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
There is so much talk about company culture. It’s intangible, yet probably more important than the bricks and mortar beneath your office. But if you were in charge, what would you do to create a great culture? Perhaps you don’t create culture as much as you...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
Culture enters without permission Is culture a mission statement and values? Is it ping pong tables and beer taps? Or is it a shared belief system? Culture is not defined how we have experienced it. We’re more enlightened than those who went before us. Let’s reimagine...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
In the mid-90s I went for an interview with Oracle. During the interview I decided the job wasn’t exactly right for me. The manager was astonished. “Everyone who comes here just wants to work for Oracle. They don’t care about details. They just want...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
When you last created a strategy for a new product or service, did you have all four of these people on the team? First, someone who knows what the customer will buy and how much they will spend. If you don’t have this person on the team you could end up with...
by Ciaran Nagle | Method Teaming Blog
Confidence breeds success Jenny worked in a programming team in a German telecomms company. She was a natural networker with a proclivity to generate bold new ideas – but also to shoot them down. She had almost a savant’s ability to see flaws in any new...